
Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Bodybuilding And Blood Pressure

A faster and more intense workout will yield a higher blood pressure and heart rate in the human subject. The heart is described as �hollow muscular organ�; its function is to pump blood to the whole body during a person�s life. The circulatory system of which the heart is part of sends oxygen and nutrients to the body and removes waste and carbon dioxide. One of the demands on the heart is that it must be able to shift whenever the activity of the person changes. Thus when activity increases and a person were to exercise, they would need more oxygen. The increase in oxygen demand leads to the heart being forced to pump more blood and therefore the heart rate of that particular individual to increase.
�Heart rate� simply signifies the number of beats the heart undergoes per minute. Under normal circumstances, the heart rate of and adult would be seventy beats per minute while that of a child would be one-hundred beats per minute and a baby�s would be onehundred and twenty beats per minute. Resting heart rates will increase due to exercise training. For example, professional athletes have slower resting heart rates due to physical training which keeps the heart stronger so that it may pump a higher volume of blood while beating less often. Other sources such as stress, temperature, hormones, drugs, alcohol and food can also affect heart rate.
Blood pressure is essentially the force of one�s blood on the arteries� walls. It is measured by the systole, the �highpoint� where the heart releases blood by contracting, and the diastole - the �low point� in which the heart relaxes and thus is filled with blood.
When blood pressure is measured, it is generally measured in mm of mercury (mmHg) in a sphygmomanometer. The maximum blood pressure is systole and the minimum is the diastole for a �cardiac cycle�. Normal blood pressure should be should be 80/45 in babies while individuals at thirty years of age should have a blood pressure of 128/80. If ones blood pressure were too high, some of the blood vessels could explode, yet if the blood pressure was too low, the brain would �starve� or not be able to get what it needs. Thus, the body controls blood pressure in various ways to meet its needs. For example, it can tighten or loosen the blood vessels also the heart can change the amount of blood it pumps. Blood pressure will be affected by the flexibility of arteries, the diameter or width of the artery, the thickness or viscosity of blood and the volume of blood. The volume of blood can change if a lot of blood is lost causing the blood pressure to go down. As well, the heart rate can affect blood pressure. As one exercises, their heart rate increases thus resulting in an increase of blood pressure. As the heart rate decreases, the blood pressure decreases.
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Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Femininity in Bodybuilding

When a coach in the gym offers exercises with dumbbells and a barbell to a woman, in 9 out of 10 cases, you can hear the answer: "I do not want to have big muscles" or "I do not want to lose my femininity." I wonder why so many women think that the muscles will grow, if they only take "iron" in hands.

The most of pumped women are Elite Professional bodybuilders, athletes involved in track and weightlifting, which are trained for years to achieve this result. But many do not understand and avoid bodybuilding.
So you want to be in shape, but do not want to be muscular. And you want to preserve femininity. What's the solution? Bodybuilding! And here's why.

Imagine that all the women who train with loads, have large muscles. Then why we don't see these girls in the athletic halls? It's very simple. In order to develop such musculature, a woman needed: genetic data, long-term intensive training, it is desirable to have a higher than average levels of testosterone (male hormone). Of course, there are those who take the extra androgens for the unnatural increase in muscle.

For the most of women is very hard to develop the large muscles in the present, because the levels of testosterone in woman body are lower by 20-30 times than in men. While women and men are equally strong from training with weights, their muscles still can not compare. To increase muscle experts recommend to raise more weight in order to reduce the number of repetitions to 3-5, but in this version of the achievements of women will be less than that of men.

What is femininity?
In the history of mankind, the ideal woman is constantly changing. For example, in 1890 in America was popular fashion model Lillian Russell, who weighed 90 kg. But gradually the beauty of the samples were brittle and eventually won an ideal slender women. Today, the ideal is getting closer to the shape.

Amy Blee, NPC USA Fitness Champion in 1997, said: "Being thin, I just do a service to others." She trains in order to increase respect for yourself. Training also altered the presentation of the beauty of Amy's healthy body. "My body - my sense of self is the mirror - she says, - The physical and spiritual strength are always together. I am convinced that very thin man, not healthy."

Amy Blee does not agree with the fact that the muscles spoil femininity. Sharon Bruno, a former bodybuilding champion and fitness professionals, agrees with her: "It's more than physical data, it is a complex, which includes personality traits such as self-confidence. Every woman is unique and this is her femininity ".

Control your body!
We found out that you do not need to worry. Think of yourself your ideal and strive for it. The purpose of bodybuilding - not to be like someone, but to show the best of what you can do. You can choose how you want to become stronger, and in this lies the beauty of bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding course will not solve all your problems, but it will help enhance the health and feel better. Muscles - this movement is our life.
Experts recommend the same basic program for both men and women. In order to maximize the achievements of recommended practice for at least 3 times a week. So, if you are interested to have a healthy and beautiful body, start bodybuilding!
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Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

The Use of HCG in Bodybuilding and for Weight Loss

The only one property of HCG is appreciated in bodybuilding - increased secretion of sex hormones (testosterone) in testes. As a result, HCG is used as an anabolic agent to a set of muscle mass, as an aid in weight loss, and as a component of the PCT.

The use of HCG in anabolic purposes is not justified and it is dangerous to health. First, because human chorionic gonadotropin is less effective than anabolic steroids. Second, to obtain the good effect it is necessary to use it in large doses (more than 4000 IU per week), which can cause irreversible damage to the physiological axis of hypothalamus-pituitary-testis. Due to this fact, many articles have a negative opinion about HCG, forgetting about his true destiny.

The use of HCG for PCT

In bodybuilding the use of human chorionic gonadotropin is justified and even necessary solely as a PCT for the prevention of testicular atrophy. In this case, its use is safe because the doses are much lower. Chorionic gonadotropin also eliminates some of the side effects of anabolic steroids, as well as to keep to gain muscle mass. HCG is of particular importance if the cycle exceeds 4 weeks of steroid use or larger doses. In this situation, horionicheky gonadotropin does not violate the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testis, and, most importantly, allows you to preserve the function of the testes.

HCG for weight loss

More recently were published studies of a British scientists - endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons, which states that human chorionic gonadotropin can be used for weight loss in order to maintain muscle mass. The scientist believes that programs the hypothalamic gonadotropin in the consumption of fat reserves, while the muscles are protected from catabolism. Simeons recommends using a small (and therefore safe) doses of HCG - (125 mg daily in the background of a low-calorie diet - 500 kcal per day. This diet is practiced in many specialized centers for weight loss. It should be noted that during this course need to consume adequate amounts of protein and vitamins.
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Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Anabolic Steroids in Female Bodybuilding as a Way to Achieve Men's Results

It is known that muscle increases during exercise, and the number of cells that make up muscle, virtually unchanged. So the time needed for a person to turn flabby belly sagged in the elastic press is individual and depends on - how much the muscle cells of people received an inheritance from their parents. It is desirable to feed the muscle so that it grew and developed. The staple food become proteins and everything that promotes the formation of fat in the body, is completely rejected by bodybuilders. This perfectionism can sometimes cost with health problems to a man-athlete, so here it is not necessary to go to far. Women are also very different story - fat tissue is the basis for the origin of estrogen, and therefore it is fat, we should be grateful for the lovely feminine form of her own body.

The initial stage of female bodybuilding is fitness. This is a well-chosen program of training and nutrition. The complex of these complementing each other, the measures allow the woman, after a few months look much more attractive and feel the rush of physical strength and health. Fitness does not allow athletic massiveness, and allows only a complete harmony of a woman's body, its physical endurance, as well as the acceptable level of body fat (not flashy, but not completely absent). Fitness, in general, is aimed at women. Along with the "soft" development of the body, it strengthens the cardiovascular system and normalizes the overall psychological state of women in our background, unstable in many ways, time.

But there is another category of women who prefer trainings with increasing load. To achieve performance of male bodybuilders is practically impossible for woman, and therefore, steroid hormones are essential attribute of their daily workouts. Despite all the side effects, women are betting precisely on this "easy" way to achieve this goal. Oddly enough, the muscles do not turn women in men in this case. Women are no longer women because of the steroids! Testosterone is present in small doses in the body of any woman, but it suppresses the generation of a surplus of female sex hormones, affecting at the health and "Bodybuilder" appearance.

Here are a few side effects associated with the use of steroids in the female bodybuilding:

- Rapid growth of hair on face, body, groin, and along with it - hair loss.
- Deterioration of the skin: dryness, rashes, translucent veins;
- Constipation, gas, hemorrhoids;
- Increased sweating;
- Increased sexual activity, psychological imbalance, changes in voice;
- Amenorrhea, infertility, heart disorders ...

All of the above fixable except for infertility, normalizes after the course.

In addition, steroids bring in another woman's body and irreversible processes - the growth of the nasal cartilages and the growth of the clitoris.
Steroids in excessive doses cause side effects, not only women but also in men. All is good in moderation and under medical supervision.  More and more women turns to anabolic steroids use to shape their bodies, the more online steroids shops provide their services. That's why it is very important to choose your supplier with with great care and attention. It is better to choose websites that provide you useful information regarding steroids so that consumer, can be as educated as possible. provides you to buy steroids online. To buy steroids visit
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Kamis, 05 April 2012

Common Mistakes of Steroids Use

As it known anabolic steroids are very effective drugs for this reason are widely used in medical practice. However, to exaggerate their role in the achievement of sports results would be invalid because, throughout all the useful has it's limit beyond which damage begins. The transition from quantity to quality in medicine is so clearly illustrated as in no other area of ??human activity. The lack of reliable information leads to the fact that some abused anabolic steroids, while others take them in doses, it becomes clear: how this person is still alive ? Doping control in the form in which it exists, contributes to people's minds even more confusion.

By doping are ranked many substances that cause no harmful effects on the body, and, conversely, many drugs that are harmful to the doping does not belong. Useless to ban steroids and their use is pointless to scold. Everything what is needed, always used and will be applied, regardless of any restrictions. Anabolic steroids - the objective reality. And the task of doctors, coaches, journalists should not be reduced to the sweeping criticism, but to really help people thoroughly to understand in this matter. Here are the most common mistakes of anabolic steroids.

1 Failure to comply with age-related indications and contraindications for the use of steroids.

2 Excess of medical dosages of anabolic steroids.

3 Ignoring of a course treatment principle with the development of drug dependence.

4 Ignorance of intermittent regimens of short-acting anabolic steroids.

5 Underestimation of the role of the liver in anabolic effect and the inability to protect the liver from possible toxic effects of steroids.

6 Malnutrition during treatment with anabolic steroids.

Today there is not proven that steroids are "mortal" dangerous. Without a doubt, taking steroids, people are always at risk. But before drawing conclusions, we must accurately determine the extent of this risk. Frankly, the risk of dying in a car accident is much higher than that of anabolic steroids. But this does not mean that we should ban cars and never get behind the wheel. Type of steroid, duration of use, heredity athlete - all affect the degree of risk. A risk in life is always there. To minimize side effects, physicians should consult athletes which taking steroids. The tactics of intimidation does not do honor to physicians and scientists. Steroid abuse is unacceptable, but the restrictions we will not achieve anything. The best way is an open and honest conversation about the real consequences of the use of steroids.

To maximize the positive effects as well as to avoid counterfeit anabolic steroids, it is important to buy steroids only reliable and tested online steroids shops. is positioned as a reliable and trustable partner. To buy anabolic steroids just visit To read more information about anabolic steroids
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Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Nutrition Before Workout

Food before a workout should contain carbohydrates, proteins and do not contain fats (preferably not more than 3 grams).
Nutrition before, during and after training carbohydrates before training needed in order to load glycogen bins and provide muscle and brain energy. During training, the fuel is burned very quickly, and we need it to be glycogen, because of the fat body can not supply the required amount of energy (due to lack of oxygen).
Proteins before exercise would not be a source of energy, they will be a source of amino acids to working muscles. As a result, immediately after exercise in muscle protein synthesis increases dramatically.
Fat in the diet prior to exercise should be absent, because the fat in the diet slows gastric emptying and rate of digestion. Fatty foods in the stomach longer, and if she will be there is during training, it can cause cramps, nausea and belching.

# The classic meals before a workout will be the following: poultry (turkey, chicken) with a coarse grain and rice
# Low-fat steak and potatoes
# Scrambled egg white with oatmeal

Calorie meal should be normal, the same as all your other meals. Bulk food (a large portion of salad or bowl of soup) is better to eat for an hour or two before your workout, so she had time to digest and the stomach was empty. Denser foods can be eaten in 30 minutes-an hour before the workout.

If you exercise to increase muscle mass, then for 30 minutes before your workout, eat a fruit of large size with a low glycemic index (apple, pear, strawberry or any berry) and wash down his protein drink (best of the whey protein (whey protein powder)). Calculation of the protein in this cocktail is as follows: 0.22 g of whey protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, in the cocktail (mixed with water) should be 15 grams of protein.

Also, for 30 minutes before your workout, drink a glass of strong black coffee (with sugar substitute can be, but not with cream) or very strong green tea. This will help the secretion of epinephrine and nor epinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells, so the body can use it as fuel. Thus, during training, you burn more fat and less glucose, glycogen and amino acids. Fatigue during exercise comes much later. The head would be better to think, and you can train more intensively. The effect of coffee before a workout lasts about 2 hours.

Immediately prior to exercise it is better not to eat anything, because physical activity detracts from the digestive system (stomach rhythmic contractions that digest food). In an extreme case, if you are very hungry, you drink a glass of protein shake or milk.
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