
Kamis, 30 Mei 2013


WORKING YOUR WHOLE BODY in one workout is perfect for beginners and people on the go. If you only have a couple of hours per week to dedicate to your training, a wholebody programme like this one can keep you fit.
This programme is a mix of machine and free-weight (barbell and dumbbell) exercises. While machines offer a lot of benefits to beginners because of their safety and the controlled movement patterns, it�s also important to get your body accustomed to free weights. Doing a little of each is a good bet for faster advancement.
Don�t forget to breathe! Advanced bodybuilders and strength-training athletes learn to adjust their breathing patterns on exercises depending on the particular move, but beginners should simply follow this rule: breathe out as you pass the most difficult part of the move, breathe in as you return to the start.


START: At the beginning, use just your body weight so you learn the movement. Stand with both feet together, then take a giant step forward with your right leg. Your left heel will lift off the floor.
MOVE: Drop your body downward by bending your right knee and lowering your left knee toward the floor. Reverse the motion and press back up into a standing split squat. Complete all reps for one side, then switch to the other.


START: Set the seat height so that when you sit down, the arm rest is slightly below shoulder level. Take an underhand grip on a barbell and place the backs of your upper
arms firmly against the pad.
MOVE: Slowly curl your arms and raise the weight to a point where your elbows are just a bit beyond 90 degrees. Flex at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weight.

START: Sit in the machine and place the balls of your feet on the platform so that your heels hang off the edge.
MOVE: Raise your heels as high as possible and release the safety bar. Lower your heels as far as you can, then reverse the motion and raise your heels as high as possible.

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Kamis, 23 Mei 2013


YOU CAN GET A GOOD AB WORKOUT in 15 minutes; the key is to squeeze as much intensity as you can into that time. This high-impact regime does just that.
In the knees-down variation of the Swiss-ball roll out, do the same exercise shown, but with both knees on the floor.
Six-time Ms. Olympia Cory Everson (shown in these photos with trainer Jeff Page) uses these moves in her own workout she recommends training your core (abs and lower back) twice per week.

START: Kneel in front of the ball, resting your forearms on it, fingers interlaced. Then lift up your knees to extend your legs behind you.
MOVE: Without arching or rounding your lower back, move your arms in front of you to roll the ball forward, forcing virtually all the muscles of your torso to work, including the deep core muscles, abs and obliques. Pause momentarily and then roll the ball back in towards your body.

START: Begin in the jackknife position used for the V-up and hold a medicine ball against your chest.
MOVE: As you extend one knee, flex the other to bring your kneecap toward your body while you bring the ball over to that side. Reverse knee positions, shifting the ball over to that side to �meet� the opposing knee. Continue in alternating fashion.

START: Lie on your back with your legs and arms extended; hold a Swiss ball in your hands.
MOVE: Raise the ball overhead with your arms while simultaneously bringing your legs toward it. When your hands and feet meet, pass the ball from the former to the latter. Without pausing, lower your arms and legs back down. Continue in alternating fashion.

START: Stand straight, knees slightly bent, holding a medicine ball with both hands in front of your forehead. Your training partner assumes the same position behind you, without a ball.
MOVE: Keeping your lower body in place, rotate your torso to one side and pass the ball high to your partner, who has simultaneously rotated in that same direction. Then rotate in the other direction and receive the ball back from your partner, this time in a lower position (hands at your waist rather than shoulder level). Continue passing and receiving the ball in this fashion for the desired number of reps. Then do the same number of reps beginning with the ball high on the other side.

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Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Bare Your Arms

Jen Jewell�s Armageddon Workout
Don�t cover your arms with sweaters and T-shirts. Have the confidence to bare your arms! Here�s the workout that will help you do it.
What does a set of tight, toned, and sleek arms say about you? It says that you're a fitness badass who's prepared to hit the weights or rock a sexy tank top! Whether your goal is to enter a physique competition or just tone up, building awesome arms should be on your "to do" list.

"But Jen," you might be thinking, "what if I don't want my guns to rival those of a world-champion arm wrestler?" Don't worry, weight training isn't going to make you massive. Women don't produce enough natural testosterone to get huge. But I will say that you won't get rid of that under-arm jiggle by pedaling away on a bike or pushing the handles on the elliptical.

To develop tight, sculpted arms, you've got to pick up those weights and get to work! 

Arm Training Advice

    For my arm workouts, I include a combination of exercises that hit my muscles from various angles. I use dumbbells, barbells, cables, machines�you name it. The point is to stimulate as many muscle fibers as I can to allow for maximum development. Lately, I've been including supersets to make my arm workouts fun, fast-paced, and efficient. I also "remix" my sets and rep ranges so I don't become bored or hit a plateau.

    Remember, you train your arms any time you do compound chest and back movements. (It's impossible to bench press without using your triceps, for example.) Even if you don't dedicate an entire day to arm training, a proper training regimen should still promote biceps and triceps development.

    Make sure that you're challenged through the entire duration of the workout. Yeah, that might seem obvious, but I've had many female clients throw down their weights after they feel that "pump." Go beyond what's normally challenging.

    If you stick with a solid arm workout regimen, results will come fairly quickly. When I gear up my training for a photo shoot or a competition, I make noticeable progress within the first couple of weeks. With hard work, you'll do the same!
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Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Which is Better, Cardio or Lifting Weights?

How many times have you heard these statements?
"I don't want to bulk up by lifting weights. I want to lose the fat first and then I will try to build muscle."
"You've got to do a lot of cardio if you want to drop excess pounds and inches."
"I don't care about getting strong. I just want to get skinny."
The list goes on and on.

Each one of these statements is born of misinformation and is totally counterproductive to everyone's weight loss and fitness goals.

Here are the facts:

1. One doesn't get bulging muscles like the Incredible Hulk accidentally just because they walk by the weight rack at the gym regardless of their gender or genetics. Men have to work extremely hard for many years to gain the type of mass that might turn off the average Joe Q Public. Women have to work even harder because their levels of testosterone are much lower than their male counter-parts. Add to this calculated dietary manipulation and only a small segment of the population will ever achieve such large amounts of muscle.

2. Cardiovascular activity, while it may be heart healthy is very catabolic (which means it tears down your muscle mass) if done to excess. The simple truth is that most people require a brisk twenty minute walk about 3 times per week in order to attain and maintain good heart health. Giving up your muscle because of "the magic number" on the scale is extremely counterproductive as this will slow your metabolism overall and will actually cause you to gain fat in the long run.

3. Although you burn more calories while performing cardio than you do while at rest, you won't burn as many calories during cardio as you will while performing a rigorous weight lifting routine. Your body will also continue to burn calories for several hours after lifting weights. Your metabolism will not remain so elevated after cardiovascular activity,

4. Your body burns most of its calories from fat when you are sleeping. Think hibernation. Your body still needs energy to sustain itself even though you can't eat. The more muscle you have, the higher your body's metabolic rate will be even at rest.

So the answer to the question is quite simple. This is not a question of either weight lifting or cardio. You need to utilize both strategies to become physically fit. Additionally you need cardio to achieve any long term fat loss goal. The best route to take is by putting an emphasis on weight lifting as this will cause the body to build muscle which will rev up your metabolism around the clock. Cardio vascular activity should be supplemental to insure proper heart health and additional calories burned while you strive to reach your fat loss goals.
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Senin, 06 Mei 2013


The most commonly used steroids by women are Anavar, Primobolan, Winstrol and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. So let's take a closer look at these substances:

    GP Oxan (Anavar) - This is one of the mildest anabolic out there. Its androgenic activity is also extremely low. Most women who fear side effects usually opt for low dose (5-10mg/day) short duration (6-8 weeks) cycles. Anavar usually produces good gains in strength and reasonable gains in quality muscle mass with little in the way of side effects.

    GP Prima 100 (Primobolan) - Primobolan has long been a favorite with female bodybuilders since it does not primoject_zoomconvert to estrogen and produces very little in the way of water retention. Most women use 25-50mg/week for about 8-10 weeks. Side effects with Primobolan can include oily skin, acne and a possible increase in facial/body hair. Primobolan can be slow to take effect but its long duration of action can produce some pretty dramatic results in women. These steady lean muscle gains are unique in that they don't seem to be dependent on a �hyper-caloric' diet.

    Winstrol (stanozolol)- This substance can be taken orally or via injection (some even drink the injectable form). Winstrol is a good mass builder and produces significant gains in strength. However, many women do not like it due to its tendency to produce androgenic side effects such as male pattern baldness, voice deepening, acne and clitoral enlargement. One way to avoid these sides is to keep the dose low (e.g. 5-10mg/day). Since Winstrol can be stressful on the liver, it's also wise to include a liver protecting supplement such as Milk Thistle or Liv- 52. If the injectable form is being used, 12.5mg every 2nd to 3rd day is ideal.

    GP Phenyl 100 (nandrolone phenylpropionate) - Also known as "fast-acting Deca", this is another drug often used by female durabol_frontbodybuilders. This drug produces slow and steady gains in strength and lean muscle tissue. Even though it�s only slightly androgenic, it can produce side effects such as excess facial and body hair. However, unlike its longer-acting cousin, Deca Durabolin, NPP causes significantly less in the way of water retention and severe masculinizing side effects such as thickening of the jawline and deepening of the voice. The usual dosage for this compound is 50mg/week.

     Maxibolin (Ethlestrenol)
    This is a low androgenic oral steroid, which is derived from the 19-nortestosterone parent molecule. This drug is popular with women who favor its high anabolic, low androgenic, compounds. Although hard to find nowadays, many women athletes feel this drug is quite effective for quality muscle gains with minimal water retention. Effective dosages range from 5-15mg per day for wom
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