
Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Breaking The Female Myth: "If I Lift Heavy I�ll Look Like A Man"

Does lifting turn women into muscle bound freaks? Of course not! Find out the physiological and hormonal reasons why women can't get as big as men.

You hear it time and again from females in and out of the gym, when it is suggested to them that they either:

    a) Lift weights, or...
    b) Increase the weight that they are lifting.

�I don�t want to do that, because I don�t want to look like a man.�

Many people, males included, have come to believe that for a female to lift weights means that she will somehow transform into the stereotype image of the female bodybuilder. This is simply NOT the reality when it comes to females and resistance training.


The primary reason that females cannot gain muscle mass as fast or to the extent as males is the difference in hormone status.

Testosterone is one of the androgenic hormones responsible for anabolism in the body. It is testosterone that is responsible for masculine traits (i.e. excess hair - especially facial, deepening of voice, increase in muscle mass). Both males and females produce testosterone, as it is necessary for hormonal balance and body function (Marieb, 2004). Males have much HIGHER levels of testosterone than females, with the �normal� range of total testosterone (in the bloodstream) being 0.95-4.3 pg/dl, compared to the 0.7-3.6 pg/dl of females.

However, it is not so much the total amount of testosterone that an individual has that determines their potential/ability for muscle growth, since most of the testosterone in the body is bound to either sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) or other non-specific proteins such as albumin (Wheeler, 1995), but their levels of FREE testosterone (i.e. the amount of testosterone that is NOT bound in the body). In males 0.3-5% (with an average of 2%) of their total testosterone if free, with their free testosterone normal values being 270-1100 ng/dl, compared to only 6-86 ng/dl of free testosterone available to females.

The female �equivalent� of testosterone is estrogen. Whilst estrogen may increase growth hormone (GH), it also increases,

    a) SHBG, which decreases the amount of free testosterone in the body.
    b) Cortisol, which reduces muscle mass.

Muscle Fibers and Types

There is a similar distribution of the percentage of Type I, Type IIa, and Type IIb muscle fibers in both males and females. However, females have ~60-80% of the muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and whole muscle anatomical cross-sectional area (ACSA) than that of males. Therefore, despite the potential for muscle hypertrophy in a relatively short period of time, similar percentage increases in either muscle mass or volume as a result of resistance training, results in smaller total overall gains in CSA and ACSA in females than in males.

Resistance Training and Hormonal Adaptations

Studies have shown that resistance training acutely increases total testosterone in males; whereas there is NO change in females. However, free testosterone HAS been shown to be elevated up to 25% in females after resistance training.

Yet, because females have less free testosterone than males at rest, any increase is not significant enough to allow for muscle hypertrophy to the extent of a male. Therefore, it has been suggested that other anabolic hormones, such as GH may be responsible for hypertrophy in females.

Role of Diet in Gaining Muscle

Diet is an important component of gaining muscle mass. To gain muscle mass one needs to be eating MORE than maintenance-level calories. Because females are generally smaller than males (i.e. smaller bone size and mass, less muscle mass, etc.), they usually require (and eat) LESS than males.

If a female ate the amount that a male ate to gain mass, they would most likely end up gaining a lot of unwanted bodyfat along with muscle hypertrophy. Females are also generally more prone to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, etc. that are detrimental to muscle hypertrophy, and cause muscle loss.

Masculinization in females does not occur as a result of (heavy) weight training, but rather because of the excess of androgenic hormones (i.e. testosterone) coupled with the correct stimulus for muscle growth (i.e. chronic resistance training AND diet directed at muscle growth). The stereotype image of the female bodybuilder in the media is a result of said females chronically using androgenic compounds (i.e. steroids) in order to increase their muscle mass and size.

For the female who is NOT doing this, they can lift as hard and as heavy as they want, and will come nowhere close to �looking like a man�.

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Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Women And Creatine Supplementation

Should women use creatine? What are the benefits for women, how much is needed, and what type is best? These questions and more answered...

Women And Creatine SupplementationCreatine is the most common muscle building supplement used. It is also the most tried and proven supplement. I believe that creatine should be a staple is one's supplement arsenal if they undertake anaerobic or resistance training.

In saying that, many individuals - especially training newbies and those looking at using creatine for the first time - ask a lot of very common questions on creatine usage. I have compiled a list of the seven questions that I see asked most often.

Creatine for Women - 7 Common Questions

#1 What type of creatine should I use?

There are so many types of creatine out there that it can be confusing deciding which one to use. If you're just starting out with creatine, stick to creatine monohydrate - the most tried and proven of the creatine types - and use a straight creatine product, as opposed to a product that includes creatine and has other properties.

#2 How long should I cycle creatine?

Creatine cycling is a personal preference option. Many individuals cycle creatine, using for 2-3 months before taking a month or so off. Others do not cycle it and use it all the time - I am one of those people, and the only time I have off creatine is if I have run out of my creatine/product containing creatine and are waiting on another.

If you are considering creatine cycling, be aware that your muscle creatine threshold levels return to baseline after three weeks of ceasing creatine usage.

#3 Is creatine loading necessary?

No, creatine loading is not necessary - like creatine cycling, loading is individual preference. The purpose of creatine loading is to reach the muscle creatine threshold faster - this is usually done by dosing ~20 grams of creatine daily for five days. However, using ~5 grams of creatine daily for three weeks will achieve the same result.

#4 How much creatine do I need?

Once your muscle creatine threshold has been reached, 2-3 grams of creatine daily is enough to keep them saturated. You will often see ~5 grams of creatine a day recommended - this is well over the necessary creatine required to maintain saturation and more than this is definitely not needed.

Once your body has reached its muscle creatine threshold (between 150-160 mmol/kg/dw for everyone), then using more than 3-5g of creatine daily is not going to saturate them any further, so there's no point in using more than that.

#5 When should I use creatine?

Creatine should be used daily. When you dose it is entirely up to you - there are several times that creatine can be dosed, including pre-training, post-training, and pre and post-training. If dosing pre-training I recommend doing it ~60 minutes pre-training, and if post-training, immediately after finishing training for best effects.

#6 Do I use creatine on non-training days?

Yes, you can use creatine on non-training days - this helps maintain creatine muscle saturation. I recommend dosing creatine on non-training days first thing in the morning. As far as dosage, 2-3 grams is adequate.

#7 Will using creatine make me bigger, faster, stronger?

Creatine is only an energy source of the body. Therefore, it will not directly make you bigger, faster, or stronger. However, it can indirectly aid in the achievement of these factors if your nutrition and training are targeted towards them.

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Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Why Take Steroids?

Why do athletes take anabolic steroids?
Almost all steroid users are taking steroids because they believe it is the only way to develop muscle and strength. Further more, almost all bodybuilders are taken steroids because they want to get as much strength and size as they possibly can. In my own opinion, society today makes people think that to produce muscle and size, steroid use is mandatory. That is not the case, with hard work and determination, anything is possible, but who wants that when you can pretty much triple your size using steroids. Steroid is a drug, and like other drugs, people take them to escape reality, and they enjoy what the drug does for them. I feel steroid is the same case. Steroid users like what the drug has done for their size and strength, and it has taken them away from their original, smaller body. Anyone caught using steroids, the public sees these people as cheaters and are people who have the lack of doing something �the hard way.� Steroid users work hard, they work extremely hard, even as much as any regular athlete that trains. Users take steroids for help, and for steroids to work, the athlete must go through a great deal of weight training.

In today�s world, people enjoy entertainment and people want to win. Athlete�s are willing to do whatever it takes to win. Sports today has come a long way since the beginning, and records are being broken everyday. Steroids have taken sports to new levels, and it will only continue to be on the rise. Face it, there are several players in the National Football League that got to the NFL using steroids, and several still probably are some how. Teenagers are using steroids more than ever today, and this is becoming a big problem in the world. There are few teenagers that really know enough knowledge on steroids, and there are several teenagers making careless mistakes while taking them. The following is by W. Nathaniel Phillips:

�In my observations, there are two main sub groups of steroid users which can be differentiated primarily by age. Group 1 users fall below the mean age of the steroid using population. They are usually in their tens and twenties. These users typically perceive bodybuilding and steroid use to be a way to attract attention. They are very affixed to the notion that if they obtain one of these incredible physiques, their life will be richer and they will be more popular and successful.�

If you told a youth about to take steroids that if he takes steroids he might die at the age of 35 instead of 55, he will probably choose the steroids. What kid would give up the chance to make millions in a pro career doing what they want, but might die a bit earlier than expected? For this reason, it is hard for parents and educators to make a youth turn down steroids.

Group 2 is involving users in their 30�s, 40�s, and over. Phillips said:
�This group, Group 2, is comprised of individuals with very different motives than Group 1. Group 2�s motives for using steroids tend to be much more intra personal. These users are typically more conscious of health risks and therefore use the drugs more prudently. Many of these users are searching for some type of rejuvenation.�
These steroid users usually aren�t planning on being as big or as strong as they can, but to improve there physical feature for them self. They usually aren�t planning on entering �Mr. Olympia� or even a competitive bodybuilder.
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Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Clenbuterol Profile

Brand Names:  Clen 40, GP Clen, Clenbuterol HCL, Broncodil, Broncoterol, Cesbron, Clenasma, Clenbuter

Description: Is available in 10 - 20 mcg tablets or in the .016 mg/gram Ventapulmin Vet variety. Clenbuterol is known as a sympathomimetic. These hormones are taken to mimic adrenaline and noradrenaline in the human body. Clenbuterol is a selective beta-2 agonist that is used to stimulate the beta-receptors in fat and muscle tissue in the body. Clenbuterol exhibits most of its effects on the stimulation of both type 2 and 3 beta-receptors. Clenbuterol is really one of body- building�s most misunderstood performance enhancement drugs. It is true that it is effective in helping to burn bodyfat but it is often been stated that clenbuterol is effective in causing anabolic gains and has in times even been compared to some of the weaker anabolic steroids. Books such as the World Anabolic Review, 1996, by P. Grunding and M. Bachmann state incorrectly that, �its effects, however, can by all means be compared to those of steroids. Similar to a combination of Winstrol Depot and Oxandrolone....� These statements are inaccurate and misleading to say the least. A lot of these claims as to the anabolic effects of clenbuterol are derived from studying the effects of clenbuterol on livestock. Clenbuterol is effective in increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat loss in animals.

The problem with the variation in anabolic effects between humans and livestock is that livestock have an abundance of the type 3 beta receptors whereas humans have little if any of the type 3 beta receptors. These beta-3 receptors increases insulin secretion and sensitivity, causing more glucose and amino acids to be transported into skeletal muscle thus causing the anabolic effects that we, humans, just aren�t seeing. As Dan Duchaine stated in his Muscle Media article on clenbuterol, �In those animal research studies showing an anabolic effect from clenbuterol, it�s my guess the anabolism happens specifically when the beta2 receptor stops working. At that point, the beta3 increases and causes the anabolic effect through insulin mechanisms.� Since humans, again, have either very little or no beta-3 receptors, there is no chance of this anabolic effect. Just another of the studies where everyone assumed that what works in animals must work in humans. This is just simply not the case with clenbuterol.

Clenbuterol does work effectively as a fat burner though. It does this by slight increases in the body temperature. With each degree that the temperature in your body is raised from the use of clenbuterol, you will burn up approximately an extra 5% of maintenance calories. This makes it effective as a fat burner. Your body will fight this by cutting down on the amount of active thyroid in the body as well as through beta-receptor down regulation, which explains why you only have a limited effective period to take clenbuterol. While I am on the subject of beta-receptor down regulation, I would like to dispose of another myth. This involves the two on/two off cycling theory that I believe was originated by Bill Phillips in the Anabolic Reference Guide and has somehow made it�s was into every other steroid book since then including the WAR and Physical Enhancement with an Edge. The two on-two off theory simply will not work because of one main reason: the half life of clenbuterol. This 2-on/2-off idea was a THEORY ONLY, not by a doctor or scientist, and not based on specific knowledge of clenbuterol, but derived by imitation from other drug�s with shorter half lives.

Clenbuterol has been reported as having a half life of about 2 days, but that is not actually correct, since it has biphasic elimination, with the half-life of the rapid phase being about 10 hours, and the slower phase being several days. Supposedly, this is one of the reasons the FDA never approved clenbuterol as an anti-asthmatic drug...the FDA frowns on drugs with long half-lives if drugs with more normal half-lives are available. So with a 2-on/2-off cycle you never have time to get enough of the clenbuterol out of your system for this theory to be reasonable. In actuality, it probably hasn�t even dropped to 50% of your peak concentration before you are taking the drug again. With this all taken into account, there is no reason to think that this cycling would significantly reduce the problem of receptor desensitization. A more reasonable approach would be either one week on, one week off, or alternately, two weeks on two weeks off. The two week cycle has the disadvantage of a �crash� period afterwards. This crash period can be helped with the use of ephedrine to lessen the lethargy that you will experience.

If you are interested in taking clenbuterol for anything other than fat loss then you might as well stay away from this compound. There is a lot of talk as to how clenbuterol compares to ephedrine as well. Most �experts� feel that clen gives a better bang for the buck than the ECA stack. It should be noted that clenbuterol�s results and effects are much shorter lived. They work through very similar mechanisms. Both products stimulate the beta-receptors but clenbuterol seems to be a more refined version, called a second generation beta-agonist drug, than ephedrine. Clenbuterol targets the proper receptors, being the beta-2 and receptors than ephedrine more specifically which should in theory make clenbuterol more effective of a fat burner. Again, most of the so called �experts� say that clenbuterol is more effective than ephedrine. I, personally, get worse results with clen vs. the good old ECA stack. Clenbuterol also didn�t blunt my hunger either and I ate more while taking it as well. I also seem to get much better effects out of cytomel as a fat burner as well. Even better than the ECA stack or clenbuterol. But, again, that is my personal opinion.

Effective Dose: 80-140 mcgs. / day in split doses throughout the day. Anything over 140 mcg a day is overkill since the beta receptors can only take so much of a product and then more is just wasteful.

Stacking Info: One week on, one week off might make sense, or alternately, two weeks on two weeks off makes sense but has the disadvantage of a �crash� period afterwards. You can take ephedrine after the clen to help reduce this �crash� period or at least make it more bearable for you. The two on/two off theory is absolute bullshit and can�t work; read above.

Clenbuterol, medically used throughout many parts of the world as a broncodilator for the treatment of asthma, is a recent and popular addition to the realm of athletics. Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist, with properties somewhat similar to adrenaline. It acts as a CNS stimulant and users quite commonly report side effects such as shaky hands, insomnia, sweating, increased blood pressure and nausea. These side effects generally subside quickly once the user becomes accustomed to the drug. Athletes find clenbuterol attractive for it�s pronounced thermogenic effects as well as mild anabolic properties. Dosage regimes will vary depending on the desired effect. Clenbuterol generally come is 20mcg tablets, although it is also available in syrup and injectable form. Users will usually tailor their dosage individually, depending on results and side effects, but somewhere in the range of 2-8 tablets per day is most common. For fat loss, clenbuterol seems to stay effective for 3-6 weeks, then it�s thermogenic properties seem to subside. This is noticed when the body temperature drops back to normal.

It�s anabolic properties subside much quicker, somewhere around 18 days. Currently, counterfeits of clenbuterol do exist, but they are scarce and most are bottles with loose tablets. Clenbuterol should only be trusted when purchased in foil and plastic strips, preferably with accompanying box and paperwork.
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