
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Clomid in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

One of the most frequently asked questions is how to properly use the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) drugs Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG correctly.

Why Bodybuilders Use Clomid
Clomid is a generic name for Clomiphene Citrate and is a synthetic oestrogen. It is prescribed medically to aid ovulation in low fertility females. Another generic name is Serophene.

Most anabolic steroids, especially the androgens, cause inhibition of the body's own testosterone production. When a bodybuilder comes off a steroid cycle, natural testosterone production is zero and the levels of the steroids taken in the blood are diminishing. This leaves the ratios of catabolic : anabolic hormones in the blood high, hence the body is in a state of catabolism, and, as a result, much of the muscle tissue that was gained on the cycle is now going to be lost.

Clomid stimulates the hypothalamus to, in turn stimulant the anterior pituitary gland (aka hypophysis) to release gonadotrophic hormones. The gonadotrophic hormones are follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH - aka interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH)). FSH stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone, and LH stimulates them to secrete more testosterone. This feedback mechanism is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis (HPTA), and results in an increase of the body's own testosterone production and blood levels rise, to, in part, compensate for the diminishing levels of exogenous steroids. This is vital to minimise post cycle muscle losses.

Not all steroids do cause shut down of the feedback mechanism. Everyone is different and you must also take into account how long you have been using a certain steroid and at what dose in order to determine if you need Clomid or not.

Clomid also works as an anti-oestrogen. As it's a weak synthetic oestrogen, it binds to oestrogen receptors on cells blocking them to oestrogen in the blood. This minimises the negative effects like gynecomastia and water retention that may be a result of oestrogen that has aromatised from testosterone.

It's effect as an anti-oestrogen are quite weak though, and it should not be relied upon if you are going to be using androgenic steroids that aromatise at a rapid rate, or if you are pre-disposed to gynecomastia. Arimidex and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) are far more effective anti-oestrogens.

Important note: Clomid does not, as is often thought, stimulate the release of natural testosterone, but rather works at reducing the oestrogenic inhibition caused by the steroid cycle. It does this in a similar manner to the way it and Nolvadex block oestrogen receptors in nipples to combat gyno development, i.e. by blocking the oestrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary thus reducing the inhibition from the elevated oestrogen. This allows LH levels to return to normal, or even above normal levels, and in turn, natural testosterone levels to also normalise.

Inhibition of the HPTA is caused by either elevated androgen, oestrogen or progesterone levels. On cessation of the steroid cycle, androgen levels begin to fall and Clomid dosing is normally commenced according to the half-life of the longest acting drug in the system (see below).

This may also explain the reason individuals often find post-deca recovery more difficult, as the progesterone presence is untouched by the Clomid. We know that Clomid and Nolvadex (being very similar chemically) are both ineffective with regard to reducing progesterone related gyno, so it is reasonable to assume that Clomid has little effect against progesterone levels.

Clomid During A Cycle
When we use anabolic steroids, the level of androgens in the body rises causing the androgen receptors to become more highly activated, and through the HPTA, a signal tells our testes to stop producing testosterone. During a cycle the body has far higher than normal levels of androgens and, as long as this level is high enough, Clomid will not help to keep natural testosterone production up. It will be almost all but completely shut off, in theory.

Some heavy androgen users, however, do advocate a small burst of Clomid mid-cycle, though it must be hard for them to say if it really of any benefit, due to the amount of gear they are using. Therefore, the only purpose of Clomid during a cycle is as an anti-estrogen.

When To Take Clomid
The correct time to commence Clomid depends on the type and cycle of steroids you have been using. Different steroids have different half-lifes (indicates the time a substance diminishes in blood), and Clomid administration should be taken accordingly.

As we have seen above, Clomid taken when androgen levels in our blood are still high will be a waste. It is crucial to wait for androgen levels to fall before implementing our Clomid therapy. However, if taken too late we could possibly lose gains.

The list below determines when you should start Clomid. Select from the list any steroids you've used in your cycle and whichever one has the latest starting point is the time to commence Clomid. For example, if Dianabol, Sustanon and Winstrol were cycled, the time for administering Clomid should be 3 weeks post cycle, as Sustanon remains active in the body for the longest period of time.
Steroid                              Time after                                         Length of
                                          last administration                           Clomid Cycle
                                                                                                   Anadrol50/Anapolan50:    8 - 12 hours                                       3 weeks
Deca durabolan:                3 weeks                                             4 weeks
Dianabol:                           4 - 8 hours                                         3 weeks
Equipoise:                          17 - 21 days                                       3 weeks
Finajet/Trenbolone:           3 days                                                3 weeks
Primabolan depot:             10 - 14 days                                       2 weeks
Sustanon:                           3 weeks                                             3 weeks
Testosterone Cypionate:    2 weeks                                             3 weeks
Testosterone Enanthate     2 weeks                                             3 weeks
Testosterone Propionate:   3 days                                               3 weeks
Testosterone Suspension:   4 - 8 hours                                        2-3 weeks
Winstrol                              8 - 12 hours                                      2-3 weeks

How To Take Clomid

Clomid has a long half-life (possibly 5 days), so there is no need to split up doses throughout the day. If Sustanon has been used and Clomid is commenced 3 weeks after the last injection, I would estimate that androgen levels are low enough to start sending the correct signals. If androgen levels are still a little high, we need to start at a high enough amount that will work or help, even if androgen levels are still a little high. Try 300mg on day 1; then use 100mg for the next 10 days; followed by 50mg for 10 days.
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Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Female Steroid Cycles

Anabolic steroid use where females are concerned is a very seldom touched upon topic within the anabolic steroid using community. This is because the majority of anabolic steroid users land in the male gender category, as well as the fact that almost all of the clinical data in regards to anabolic steroid use in females is in reference to the medical applications, which in and of itself is very different from the use of anabolic steroids for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement. This particular section of this article is by no means designed to be a comprehensive guide to female anabolic steroid use. Instead, only the most immediate concerns and topics in regards to proper female steroid cycles will be covered.

The majority of the questions, concerns, and issues where female use is concerned will be explored upon in a later article. For the time being, the considerations as to the potential side effects in female anabolic steroid users can easily be accessed by reading a comprehensive article on anabolic steroid side effects in general, which would include the potential side effects for female users.

When female anabolic steroids cycles are considered, there are vast differences to be understood and considered in comparison to the average anabolic steroid cycle, which almost always is structured and designed for male users. The fact is that the majority of anabolic steroid use information, cycle protocols, PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) considerations, and many more common guidelines simply do not apply to female anabolic steroid users.

In summary, there are various advantages that female anabolic steroid users hold over male users, and there are various advantages that male users hold over female users. There also exist disadvantages that are different pertaining to both genders. These must be understood first.

Assuming the majority of preliminary considerations for all users have been noted (listed in the introduction of this article), the preliminary considerations for female anabolic steroid users is for the most part very straightforward and short in its explanation.

All female anabolic steroid users must understand the base fundamentals of what they are doing with their bodies: Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic analogues and derivatives of the male hormone Testosterone (or simply Testosterone itself). As stated, this is the male sex hormone, and females engaging in anabolic steroid cycles are simply inserting Testosterone (or related analogues) into themselves  in an effort to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat levels. Using common sense, any female understanding this will realize the potential for the development of male secondary sex characteristics (properly known as virilization). Virilization effects can include the development of male secondary sex characteristics (deepening of the voice, growth of body and facial hair), clitoral enlargement, and menstrual irregularities. It is also strongly advised to abstain from anabolic steroid cycles during pregnancy, as this is a particularly important hormonal period for the development of a fetus, and the inclusion of supraphysiological levels of androgens have been linked to birth defects in newborn babies.

It is also necessary to gain a proper understanding of which anabolic steroids are suitable, which are less suitable, and which should be not used under any but the most essential circumstances. These details will be covered shortly.
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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Oral Steroids Misconceptions

The topic of oral steroids is perhaps the most popular topic among especially newcomers and prospective anabolic steroid users. There exists no greater attraction to those looking into using anabolic steroids for the first time than the attraction of the convenience of anabolic steroids in a very convenient easy to swallow pill or capsule format. It is very important to first clarify several misconceptions about oral anabolic steroids that seems to propagate the uneducated general public. They are the following:

 Misconception 1: Oral steroids are safer than injectables.
 Misconception 2: Oral steroids are less effective/strong or more effective/strong than injectables.
 Misconception 3: Oral steroids are easier to obtain.
 Misconception 4: Oral steroids are cheaper.

Misconception 1: Oral steroids are safer than injectables.
This is perhaps the largest misconception among oral anabolic steroids, and is perhaps the second overall largest misconception in regards to anabolic steroids in general (with the first largest misconception/myth/rumor being that anabolic steroids will generate massive muscles without any hard work, training, or diet). The real truth is that both injectable and oral steroids both contain various risky compounds in each category. There exist oral steroids that present a higher risk of various dangers to the body, while there are also injectable steroids that present higher risks as well. When it comes down to it, oral steroids are both harsher on the body�s subsystems than the majority of injectables, and although there are one or two �milder� and �safer� oral steroids, the majority of them present issues of hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity) and negative cholesterol alterations that are far more impacting than most injectables. This is not a problem present with the majority of injectables with the exception of a select one or two, as the majority of injectable compounds are well tolerated by the body. The specific details in regards to why this is the case will be explained shortly in this article.

Misconception 2: Oral steroids are less effective/strong or more effective/strong than injectables.
Oral steroids are not stronger than injectable steroids, nor are they weaker. The anabolic strength rating (the determined measurement of how effective an anabolic steroid is in terms of the promotion of muscle growth) of various oral anabolic steroids does indeed match or surpass the anabolic strength rating of many injectable compounds, while several oral anabolic steroids fall short when compared to injectable compounds as well.

Misconception 3: Oral steroids are easier to obtain.
Simply put, this is not true. There exists highly popular anabolic steroids in both categories that are very easy to obtain, but it just so happens to be that the most popular anabolic steroid of all time is an oral steroid (Dianabol, AKA Methandrostenolone). Aside from this, the next two most popular anabolic steroids of all time are both injectables: Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) and Winstrol (Stanozolol). All anabolic steroid sources and vendors should carry all types of oral steroids and injectable steroids in equal amounts available for purchase.

Misconception 4: Oral steroids are cheaper.
This is also not true. Within both categories (oral and injectable), there are both more expensive compounds as well as less expensive compounds, all related to factors such as popularity of the compound, ease of manufacture, ease of access, and so on and so forth. The overall price of an anabolic steroid cycle will also normally end up being the same in general, as anabolic steroid cycles should ideally be pre-planned and all costs and dosages calculated prior to purchase. At the end of the day, the overall cost of the amount of oral steroids to run in any given cycle is often almost the same price as any other injectable compound, with the exception of various more expensive compounds as mentioned prior. However, when compared to many injectable compounds, simple cycles, for example, of an injectable format of Testosterone ends up being far more cost effective than oral steroid cycles.
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Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Post Cycle Therapy for Female Steroid Users?

Even men are the most popular users of steroids, women also tend to use them, especially those women who are professional bodybuilders. There are more men than women in this sport so almost every research is based on men�s organism. But consequences that steroids can produce in a female body are bigger and more significant that one�s appearing with men. But, women, just like men, use steroids to gain body mass and strength faster than they would get it without using steroids.

How are steroids used?

Steroids are not used constantly, there are periods of usage and periods of resting. Your doctor should decide how long periods will be and how high dose you will take. There are no universal rules because there are no two same persons. One cycle can be 6-12 weeks long and it considers that you take steroids every day during those weeks. After each cycle you must make a brake, so your body won�t get used to steroids.
Post cycle therapy is something that started to be usual practice just recently. It�s very important not to avoid it if you are using or planning to use anabolic steroids. PCT is used to help you preserve effects you gained during the steroid usage period. Steroids have big effect on our endocrine system and it�s important to help him recover from such a big shock. When you suddenly stop using steroids your body will be in some sort of shock. In medicine it�s called hormonal crash or post cycle crash. PCT is different for a man and a woman.

PCT for women

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) for Female Steroid Users?There are so many post cycle therapies and so many people take it on their own, without knowing consequences they can have in the end. If you take PCT without consulting your doctor, you can make more damage than good to your organism.

With women it�s really important to determine their age and stage of life. Pre-menopausal females who have used anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can gradually decrease amount they are taking as they come close to end of a cycle. Because steroids affect hormones, the best way that shows to a woman that her treatment is going well is her period return. Anabolic-androgenic steroids cause some kind of menopausal side-effects. It�s recommended to decrease AAS use until period appears. Also, women can do blood tests to see if her hormone levels are getting back to normal.

What PCT is not recommended for women?

Highly inadvisable post cycle treatment for women is SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulators) or ALS (aromatize inhibitors). These two kinds of treatments cause intense menopausal symptoms, so even very young women can face with that problem. They are literally pushing women into menopause. And menopause symptoms are really hard and strenuous even for women who naturally experience it. With men this is different, but women should avoid this kind of post cycle therapy.

SERM medications like Nolvadex and Anastrozole (Arimidex) sometimes are use in breast cancer curing, so they have really large and massive effect on female body. A woman shouldn�t expose herself to so strong medications if she doesn�t have to.

What PCT women can use?

HPGA and HPTA are highly recommended for post cycle therapy for women. HPTA is the hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis and affects brain and helps your endocrine system to control production of testosterone, the male hormone. How your body will react of this treatment depends on:

    individual characteristics;
    anabolic-androgen steroids that you used;
    how long your cycle lasted.

Today everybody can find different types of recommendations for post cycle therapy on the internet, but you shouldn�t listen to them all. Many of those treatments are written for male users and that not even indicated in the text. It�s important to see how wrong post cycle therapy can have harmful consequences in a female organism and go and consult a doctor before deciding to apply some therapy on yourself.
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