
Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Masteron or Drostonolone Propionate

Masteron is also known, as drostonolone and  is relatively rare in the United States. Though it is well known to the Europeans. The production of Masteron was never of a large quantity and it was never before marketed in the United States.

Masteron History:

Masteron (drostonolone propionate) for 20 years prior was used for inoperable postmenopausal breast cancer in women, then later as a cutting agent used by bodybuilders, which where it is now enjoying its popularity.

What it is:

Drostonolone propionate is a DHT (dihydrotestosteronethe) a derived anabolic ( abiological process of making more complex living organisms from simpler ones) Drostonolone has been altered by the addition of a methyl group. This addition prevents the hormone from a metabolic breakdown by 3 skeletal muscle properties ofHydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes.

It also increases the anabolic nature of the hormone as well as the attachment of proplonate ester to control the release time. Masteron is unaffected by the aromatase and 5alpha reductase � enzyme and thereby leaves no estrogen issues, particularly with the increase or lessening of estrogen in the skin and prostrate.

The true effects of Masteron will be best seen in a lean person, during the cutting cycle. This is why Masteron is generally in use at the end of the bodybuilding prep. It is expected that the bodybuilder will at this point be extremely lean.

A benefit when using Masteron, is its influence on anti-estrogen is when using in moderate doses of aromatizing steroids and not with typical doses of Masteron, there is no competition between the estradiol at the estrogen receptor and the receptor is not activated by the Masteron.

However, by competing with the testosterone for the �binding site� of the aromatase enzyme the conversion is indeed reduced.

It would be wrong to leave this the only reason as to what makes Masteron good. Masteron is low in side effectsas an anabolic steroid. At one point it was considered a weak steroid however, it has since been recognized as an anabolic of standard potency.

Masteron provides more of an aesthetically pleasing enhancement. Meaning that it does not provide strength, performance or size.

Why the doubt of potency:

If a low dose is used weekly as would occur with most anabolic steroids this product does not perform well.

The general concentration of Masteron that is given is that of 350 mg per week as provided. In some cases smaller doses are given. 700 mg. per week provides a more satisfactory performance.

However, a major problem with this dose is the availability and the cost of the product.


Dosages are based on a number of factors, for the body builder dosage once becoming lean the dosage can be as high as 1000 mg. per week. However, this dosage is not recommended for those who have health problems such as lipid issues or blood pressure problems.

The dosage of 1000 mg. per week is only recommended for those on a 1 � 2 week cycle.

� The traditional cycle ranges from 1 � 12 weeks long. It is a combination of enanthate testosterone at 300 � 500 mg. per week
� Masteron (Drostonolone Enanthate a Masteron variant) at 400 mg. per week.

This variant is used for the beginner due to several reasons;
� Combines perfectly with the enanthate testosterone
� Compensates for the infrequent scheduling of injections
� The testosterone is used in the body building dosages in this case.
� This dose of Masteron will provide the user with familiarity of his reactions to Masteron.

Because of the aromatase inhibitor in Masteron, it should be unnecessary to use an addition aromatase inhibitor. Masteron is not as strong as such inhibitors as aromasin or arimidex but, should the stacking of aromatizable become too large, the aromatase effect of Masteron will be unable to handle it.

Gynecomastia has been a reported effect during a cycle using Masteron along with such aromatizable compounds such as Dianabol and Testosterone.
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Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

What is the Ideal Steroid Dosage to Maximize Fat Loss?

How high a dose of anabolic steroids needed for good acceleration of fat loss?

Even the 500 mg/week dosage level, as a total of all the steroids used in the stack, is sufficient for substantial improvement in fat loss compared to the natural state. There�s some further improvement as the dosage increases to about the 1000 mg/week level.

In a few cases there have been remarkable results with quite low dosages, such as 250 mg/week testosterone or even 9 mg/day Dianabol (as odd as that number is, the specific case really was that amount.) However, that�s unusual, and appears to be correlated with the individuals having somewhat low natural testosterone. Generally, 500 mg/week is a reasonable minimum for a fat-loss steroid cycle.

Whether to lose fat first and then gain muscle, or do it the other way around, will depend on the case. A simple rule of thumb though is to accomplish the personally-easier task first.

For example, if you know you can drop 10 lb of fat relatively easily but adding 10 lb of muscle will be a challenge, then by all means lose the fat in the first few weeks of the cycle, preferably with quite high volume training. Your body will then be in a highly responsive state for muscle gain in the following weeks, due both to the previous high volume training and due to a homeostatic tendency to return to previous weight, in this case with muscle gain. More importantly than any reason why, this simply has been found to work very well.

Or if on the other hand if you find it hard to get much leaner than your present condition but you know you can add the planned amount of muscle in a matter of weeks, then add the muscle first. This will aid in the following fat loss, both because the added muscle increases metabolic rate, and again because of a homeostatic tendency to return to accustomed weight, in this case with fat loss. And again, regardless of reason, this too works very well in practice.

Gaining muscle while losing fat simultaneously can be done, but generally isn�t the optimal approach. Being a possible unintended outcome in some training scenarios, where very intensive programs with intent of maximum strength gains might result in some fat loss despite best efforts at sufficient eating. But as a deliberate plan, most times wouldn�t aim to accomplish both fat loss and muscle gain at the same time in a steroid cycle.
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Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

How to Use Proviron with Steroid Cycles and PCT

How to use Proviron (mesterolone) during steroid cycles, during PCT (post-cycle therapy), and between cycles?

Proviron has no use for anabolic or recovery purposes. It does not aid in building muscle and does not aid in recovering LH production or testosterone production.

It�s an odd fact that it doesn�t aid in building muscle. It�s the only compound of which activates the androgen receptor yet is valueless in this regard. The reason probably is metabolic deactivation in muscle tissue.

What�s not odd is that it�s valueless for helping recovery of natural LH or of testosterone production. No anabolic steroid is able to provide assistance in these regards: instead their effect is generally inhibitory.

There�s disagreement as to whether Proviron simply doesn�t help recover natural hormone levels or whether it actually impedes recovery.

Its effect on LH is difficult to determine because any effect it may have on LH is at most moderate, but LH levels always vary greatly from moment-to-moment. So, if a measurement is a little lower when Proviron is used, is it because Proviron lowered LH, or because the blood draw happened to be at a trough value between blood peaks?

This is quite difficult to determine. One study about 40 or more years ago detected an inhibitory effect on LH levels from 50 mg Proviron per day. The reduction was statistically significant, but levels still averaged in the normal range. On the other hand, a number of scientific studies since have been unable to detect effect of Proviron on LH to statistical significance.

While that probably sounds like a contradiction, not detecting effect to statistical significance is different from detecting that there is no effect.

Unfortunately, authors typically write that there �was� no effect rather than put the matter accurately.

It�s fair to say from the total body of scientific evidence that any inhibitory effect of Proviron on LH production is at most modest. When fully recovered from a cycle, any inhibitory effect from occasional use is of no importance.

During PCT however, was found that Proviron use makes a noticeable adverse difference on recovery.

Proviron formerly had some use during cycles as a weak anti-estrogen, but today, using an anti-aromatase is a much better approach.

Where Proviron can provide a use is in the feeling of having good androgen levels, and in enhancing erectile performance in some instances. In terms of physical appearance, sometimes it can enhance apparent hardness or vascularity.

It�s fine to use Proviron occasionally between cycles, if enjoying its use for any reason. There�s no exact needed dose, but for example 50 mg is a typical dose to take occasionally. There�s no harm to taking amount such as 100 or 150 mg, but there�s not necessarily further benefit from the larger dose.
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Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

Anabolic Steroids Cycles for a Basic Training Program

Want to accelerate results with steroid use? What sort of cycles go best?

An obvious advantage of 8-week cycles is that there will be a lot of gratification acquired quickly. If we compared with 2-week on, 4-week off cycles, it would typically take 14 weeks to get results similar to what could be achieved in 8 weeks straight.

But on the other hand, with the two-week cycles, progress would continue straight on from there, whereas with the eight-week cycles, there will be a 16 week gap before being able to continue again! This is if making an equal comparison where steroids are being used 1/3 of the time, where there are two �off� weeks to each week of use. It also works the same way in any equal comparison.

So which is �better� is not so obvious as at first glance. Your choice will depend on personal preference.

However, in general the two week cycles are very suited to basic progressive training, where there is no real pattern to training weeks. This is because such a program is really helped by the shorter �off� periods, and there�s very good carryover from the gains of the �on� weeks to the �off� weeks.

If taking the advice on 2-week cycles, I would however suggest putting at least a little bit of pattern onto the training weeks though. The �on� weeks should preferably be with relatively heavier weight, such as allowing only 5-8 reps, and training volume should be say 30% greater than in most of the �off� weeks.

If choosing the 8-week cycle route, the increased volume consideration would still apply. Your training during �off� weeks could still remain similar, but the optimal training volume will be less than while assisted.
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