
Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Thyroid Hormones For Fat Loss In Women

A 40 year old woman claimed to be active in sport. She started to join swimming competition when she was a kid and eats healthily on organic foods. She however, admitted her big appetite of eating after training is helpless. She never really counts calories but fortunately, with the sports she does, she never has an issue with weight or body fat.

As years pass by, she can�t keep off the fat and she took T4 wrongly. The overdosed of T4 has led her to bulking. The heart rate began to increase but the fat loss program is effective although it caused another trouble. And then she tried T3, but this time, with a proper dosage of 100 mcg/day.

But another problem occurred as the heart rate affects her training and the fat loss program is no longer effective. She supported her training with fat loss supplement including thyroid hormone.

But another question comes to mind, is it effective? And what about the difference between T3 and T4?

This woman�s case is a genetically gifted one. She is able to stay slim while having big appetite. Not all people are able to maintain a lean body while eating a lot and only rely on training. At the age of 40, the case is different. Our body will experience a certain degrade and getting back a lean body might not be easy like when you are 20. Hence, calories are the things to avoid if you want to lose some fat.

Fat loss supplements may be effective to some people. It works by reducing your appetite released by the chemical substance in the supplement. In return, it raises the metabolic rate and the process.

This significant loss of appetite, causes an individual to eat less � and lose fat. The supplement products generally work like this.

    The T3 effect

When you take T3, the food you consume has to �work� to match the calorie burning rate. This way, you don�t lose fat.

    The T4 effect

T4 is rather extreme or stronger than T3. And you will have fat loss.

Thyroid hormones: don�t overdose it
It is important to note that thyroid hormones must not be abused. Once overdose, it is hard to actually recover.

The powder is not recommended however, if an individual needs to take it, it must be in a very small dose and prescribed by a nutritionist if possible because there has to be an exact 100% of certainty.

Some women have been reportedly gain weight and it is a noticeable sign that they have overdosed the thyroid.

Even when they have struggled, they can�t figure out why. Thyroid impair is caused by the wrong dosage and it affects the slowing down of your rate.

Recommended intake of thyroid hormone:

    The best dosage is less than 50 mcg/day for T3.  You need to divide it to 3 doses.
    The best dosage T4 is less than 200 mcg/day.

T4 vs T3
T4 has a longer effect when used than T3. Hence, it is preferable to take T4. However, for some individuals, T3 is proven to be more effective. People find that T3 is more convenient in terms of conversion.

Thyroid affects most women
There are many reasons why women have thyroid issues and here are some of the factors
- Pregnancy
- And per menopause

The calorie intake must be well monitored. The dose of thyroid hormone needs to be a certain number allowed because it will affect the metabolic rate.
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Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

Anadrol Oxymetholone - the Best Steroid for Women

It may seem surprising but It may seem surprising but Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a good choice for women who wish to be conservative yet have very effective results.

Medically, you�d be astonished at the doses women and even girls have taken with very low virilization rates. So anyway, contrary to what intuition might suggest, Anadrol is not one of the riskier choices for women.

That aside, 15 mg/day of Anavar (oxandrolone) will be virilizing in quite a few cases. Probably about 5 mg/day of oxandrolone is comparable to 25 mg/day Anadrol (divided doses) for risk.
Primobolan up to 50 mg/week, divided injections, is a common and reasonable choice, but has some risk: not a particularly high rate though.

In the earlier parts of Denise Rutkowski�s career, he had her on 25 mg/day Anadrol. There is no secret here because he also published this. She obviously did very well with it and at that point she was not virilized at all.

The medical doses are pretty astonishing. The reason that 50 mg is the tablet size is because that�s the standard minimal medical dose, including for women and children! It used to be used extensively for improving red blood cell count.

There�s at least one paper in the literature reporting doses used for quite a large number of women and reporting low incidence of any side effects. And these doses were often more than 50 mg/day. Sometimes much more.

And further, 25 mg/day never go wrong. You see some women developing hoarse voices and facial hair naturally with time, so there must be some women that are right on the edge. But generally speaking, this is a conservative dose, yet quite effective.

The mg amount that women can tolerate of Anadrol is markedly higher than any other anabolic steroid. However, that said, it�s also true that effect per mg is less, but not enough so to make up the safety difference IMO. I would put 25 mg/day Anadrol (in divided doses) up against 50 mg/week Primo any time for effectiveness and it�s at least equally conservative.

Another thing about Anadrol that�s remarkable is that other anabolic steroids are very easily disruptive of the menstrual cycle. Even dosages such as 2.5 mg oxandrolone 2x/day commonly raise issues. Anadrol however medically has shown often only moderate effect on the menstrual cycle at 50 mg/day, and 25 mg/day only lightened and shortened the cycles slightly. Remarkably less disruptive.

As a rough rule of thumb: take a dosage that would be quite moderate for a man, nearly the minimum likely to be recommended that could still give reasonable results for a novice, then divide by 10 to have something that�s moderate but effective for a woman.

For each individual steroid, suggested mild-but-effective dosage range may differ from the above slightly, and of course the above also is only approximate because there will be diffferent opinions as to what would be moderate for a man. But if having nothing else to work with, if you see or are considering a dosage and want to do a quick �reality check,� the above can help. For example, say that someone is proposing EQ at 100 mg/week. Multiply by 10, and our comparison would be to 1000 mg/week of EQ for a man. That�s well above being a mild cycle. So we can see at a glance that this EQ dose is off, without having had to remember specific values for each steroid.

The best understood uses are single-drug, and single-drug works fine. Primo or Anadrol are top two choices for bodybuilding and fitness; oxandrolone is also acceptable but must be lower dosed than those two; for quality of life enhancement, very very low dose testosterone works fine. is a good choice for women who wish to be conservative yet have very effective results.

Medically, you�d be astonished at the doses women and even girls have taken with very low virilization rates. So anyway, contrary to what intuition might suggest, Anadrol is not one of the riskier choices for women.

That aside, 15 mg/day of Anavar (oxandrolone) will be virilizing in quite a few cases. Probably about 5 mg/day of oxandrolone is comparable to 25 mg/day Anadrol (divided doses) for risk.
Primobolan up to 50 mg/week, divided injections, is a common and reasonable choice, but has some risk: not a particularly high rate though.

In the earlier parts of Denise Rutkowski�s career, he had her on 25 mg/day Anadrol. There is no secret here because he also published this. She obviously did very well with it and at that point she was not virilized at all.

The medical doses are pretty astonishing. The reason that 50 mg is the tablet size is because that�s the standard minimal medical dose, including for women and children! It used to be used extensively for improving red blood cell count.

There�s at least one paper in the literature reporting doses used for quite a large number of women and reporting low incidence of any side effects. And these doses were often more than 50 mg/day. Sometimes much more.

And further, 25 mg/day never go wrong. You see some women developing hoarse voices and facial hair naturally with time, so there must be some women that are right on the edge. But generally speaking, this is a conservative dose, yet quite effective.

The mg amount that women can tolerate of Anadrol is markedly higher than any other anabolic steroid. However, that said, it�s also true that effect per mg is less, but not enough so to make up the safety difference IMO. I would put 25 mg/day Anadrol (in divided doses) up against 50 mg/week Primo any time for effectiveness and it�s at least equally conservative.

Another thing about Anadrol that�s remarkable is that other anabolic steroids are very easily disruptive of the menstrual cycle. Even dosages such as 2.5 mg oxandrolone 2x/day commonly raise issues. Anadrol however medically has shown often only moderate effect on the menstrual cycle at 50 mg/day, and 25 mg/day only lightened and shortened the cycles slightly. Remarkably less disruptive.

As a rough rule of thumb: take a dosage that would be quite moderate for a man, nearly the minimum likely to be recommended that could still give reasonable results for a novice, then divide by 10 to have something that�s moderate but effective for a woman.

For each individual steroid, suggested mild-but-effective dosage range may differ from the above slightly, and of course the above also is only approximate because there will be diffferent opinions as to what would be moderate for a man. But if having nothing else to work with, if you see or are considering a dosage and want to do a quick �reality check,� the above can help. For example, say that someone is proposing EQ at 100 mg/week. Multiply by 10, and our comparison would be to 1000 mg/week of EQ for a man. That�s well above being a mild cycle. So we can see at a glance that this EQ dose is off, without having had to remember specific values for each steroid.

The best understood uses are single-drug, and single-drug works fine. Primo or Anadrol are top two choices for bodybuilding and fitness; oxandrolone is also acceptable but must be lower dosed than those two; for quality of life enhancement, very very low dose testosterone works fine.
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