Any athlete, as a professional and amateur, is aware of the importance of proper nutrition and sport mode. No less important is the correct drinking regime. Common man enough to drink 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. In sports, especially during intense exercise, the rate of water consumption increases.
Some people believe that in order to reduce weight and acquire a special fry should drink less water and more diuretic. This approach is incorrect. Of course, during competition course all the means are good, but in real life you can not restrict the use of water. Water is the best diuretic. If you drink your water ration (without replacing it with other drinks), the body ceases to save it in the interstitial fluid and excess water is drained.
Meanwhile, the water - a very valuable resource for the body. It provides the normal flow of all processes in the body, including muscle building and fat burning. During training, a lot of water evaporates from then, so to replenish its reserves is necessary. Furthermore, water produces energy in cell membranes, giving the athlete cheerfulness, driving fatigue.
Exercise, especially weight training aimed at building muscle, they require increased supply of oxygen. Therefore, is very useful for athletes to drink water saturated with oxygen.
During training, the sweat from the body evaporates minerals, the lack of which will help to fill mineral water. In order to ensure the normal operation of the digestive system, it is important to drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal. And, of course, do not forget about it during the day and during workouts.
Other beverages such as juices and dairy products, carbohydrates and fats in the rapidly digestible form, so it can be recommended as a means of recovery after intense training. However, those who want to lose weight a little bit, get rid of fat is necessary to replace these drinks with water completely.

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